Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Death by Yarn

Actually, currently it looks like death by too many hours. Over the past several months I have had to contend with too few hours at work (as anyone out there who has listened to my woes knows) but the next two weeks I am working 40 hour weeks. Wahoo? Let me just say, that being receptionist at my office is one of my most hated jobs. And the receptionist is away for the next two weeks, and guess who gets her job on top of mine? A scooby snack to the first person to guess. I may have to do some serious yarn/fabric therapy next month to compensate. At least I will be getting monies.

In other news, I finished this cool project:
a medieval bag with charts based on those in Rutts History of Knitting. I had a lot of fun knitting it, and I think that I will make several more based on Rutts charts and other medieval charts for gifts and such. The fabric you see will be the lining. It is all that is left over from lining the skirt of my Tudor Gown. The braid is a cotton that I used a basic 5 loop fingerloop braid. And now, because I want to show off my pretty project, come more photos:


Sara M said...

That is so cool! I am in mad awe of your colorwork skills.

Carol said...

Yay for more work hours. Boo for them being "icky". Just keep thinking of the money! It's all that keeps me sane at some job sites....