Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July Cleaning

 Last weekend I went through a frenzy of cleaning. The reason? My housemate moved out and I have been doing some much needed cleaning. So I decided to tackle this:

What is that you ask? That was my "closet" of shame. And by closet, I actually mean the connecting hallway between the two bedrooms in my house. Notice the door hidden behind everything? That is the door to the spare room. In my defense, there is another door that will get you into the room, so this door is not used generally. But I want to move into the back bedroom, so I felt it was time to clean it out. What is that pile made of? That's where the shame part comes in. That is 60% wool fabric 10% silk fabric, 10% misc fabric, 20% yarn and assorted sewing/knitting things.

My pile of wool quickly went from this:

To this:

But in the end...I have a doorway!

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